Duluth Pack – Facebook Nonsense

February 12, 2018
Posted in Marketing
February 12, 2018 BrentAlpha

The irony that the same day we post Part One of our review of Facebook as a marketing medium for firearms companies, something like this happens.

Duluth Pack, a well established company that has been making bags, and CCW bag options for years, announces a new CCW bag, made in a CCW state, where it is LEGAL to CCW, and out of nowhere the sensitive left starts posting how they are going to abandon Duluth Pack and never buy from them again.

We, as firearms businesses on Facebook or as companies that might even be RELATED to the firearms business, expect this kind of reaction. The internet exposes everyone to everything. We get it.

But how long do you think it will be before the offended start one-star rating this poor company because they make a bag for people that choose to CWW LEGALLY? Is this what marginalized companies in the firearms sector can expect from Facebook?

Is Facebook really worth it?


Brent is a long time IT guru, ex-Army Reserve (no tours) gun loving fool who parlayed his IT and firearms addictions into a filmmaking and marketing career. He has been in the firearms/tactical sector in Canada and the US in various roles for 12 years. Currently he is CEO at Telos Alpha, CTO at Telos One, and volunteers his time and skills at Quinte Humane Society and the Trenton and Belleville Military Family Resource Centers.

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