We will help you with business process, strategic planning, websites, e-commerce and battling the stigma the industry
carries with banks, merchant processors and social media.
We consult exclusively with North American firearms, hunting, and sporting goods companies.
If you sell knives, martial skills, are LEO or Military affiliated or sell anything that
Facebook and Google wont let you advertise or talk about, we are on your side.

We Understand.
We are in the firearms business, not on the outside looking in. We deal with the problems you deal with daily, and can guide you on how to solve them.

We Deliver.
We measure success in bottom line dollars and cents for our partners. Metrics and analytics are fine, but results are what pay.

We Adapt.
We network with other companies, agencies, firearms businesses and consultants to stay cutting edge and always be one step ahead.
We are a solutions aggregator for the firearms and sporting good industries. We gather together best in class services that are vetted to be firearms friendly and are open to long term business relationships.
CapriCMW and Firearms Legal Defence are a powerful and firearms friendly combination in the insurance sector. We proudly recommend Capri for your business insurance needs, and recommend Firearms Legal Defence to ALL firearms owners.
Telos Alpha recommends BigCommerce for firearms business online and is a Certified BigCommerce Partner. BigCommerce is a privately owned Software as a Service Company (SaaS) based in Austin Texas and is not only firearms friendly, but offers a best in class collection of solutions for growing firearms businesses.
Telos Alpha recommends WooCommerce for smaller firearms businesses online. WooCommerce is a free and self hosted platform that no one can kick your business off of. With thousands of plugins to add functionality and features to fit any business need, WooCommerce is a great solution for complete control over you e-commerce infrastructure.
Elevon offers some the fastest, lowest hassle onboarding for firearms companies in the world. For over 25 years, Elevon Canada has been offering some of the best rates to Canadian Firearms combines as well. We work with the adjudication teams to ensure they understand that your firearms company is LOW RISK, and can negotiate rates on your behalf that reflect that.
Hike is a leading retail POS software in the cloud with everything you need to run & grow your business. Sell in-store, at retail events, pop-up stores and even online. With all sales channels in one POS software, Hike manages all aspects of your retail business.
Merrco helps businesses thrive by bringing seamless, secure payment solutions to the market and making payments smarter, simpler every step of the way. Whether you sell in-store or online, we have the right payment processing solution for you including eCommerce, virtual terminal, mobile, recurring, card present, gift and multi-currency offerings. is one of the largest gateways in the world. They are firearms agnostic and highly integrated, so no matter what your e-commerce platform or payments processor, can get them connected and get the cash flowing.
ClearSale is a fraud management and chargeback protection services company. It analyzes every transaction going through your store using its global database of billions of vetted transaction and looks for suspicious activity. But more than that, it can tell when a customer may have simply made a fat finger mistake and clear a sale that would otherwise get blocked. A powerful and affordable firearms friendly antifraud solution.
Nuvei is a Canadian company that offers both gateway services and POS. Nuvei has an incredible track record of innovation and customer support, and is continually expanding its service offerings to business of all sizes.
Telos Alpha is and has been A+ Certified for over 15 years. Understanding how Cloud, Internet and your Enterprise connect is key to every implementation. From shipping and fulfillment workstations to security systems and onsite servers, we understand networking and IT and can integrate all the pieces of the puzzle into one, clear picture.
Sleeping With The Enemy
TL;DR Some of our money is being redirected to anti-firearms efforts when organizations like the CCFR use processors like Stripe or PayPal. This is not acceptable. A Call to Action for Pro-Firearms Advocacy In any battle, identifying allies and enemies
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