March 17, 2018 BrentAlpha

Let’s face it. A picture is worth a thousand words. Even more so on social media. But making sure the subject of your image displays front and center is key. So here you go. The 2018 social.medianimage cheat sheet we use at Telos Alpha to make sure the imagery we create for our clients for and display perfectly.

#getalpha #wearenotsecondclasscitizens


Brent is a long time IT guru, ex-Army Reserve (no tours) gun loving fool who parlayed his IT and firearms addictions into a filmmaking and marketing career. He has been in the firearms/tactical sector in Canada and the US in various roles for 12 years. Currently he is CEO at Telos Alpha, CTO at Telos One, and volunteers his time and skills at Quinte Humane Society and the Trenton and Belleville Military Family Resource Centers.

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